The Name "Ada"

Some people have wondered what “Ada” means. Depending on where you look, it is English (or Germanic) origin and means “noble and serene”.

I liked the name Helena because of Helen of Troy, Liam obviously got his name from his father and grandfather, but I just liked the name Ada. Not many people name their kid Ada anymore, though it used to be quite popular. The chart at the right shows the relative popularity of the name. (You can click on it to make it larger) That being said, I had a Latina student “Eda” last year.

When I was making a short list of names to show Dalen, I didn’t put another old name that I like on it, not because I didn’t think Dalen would like it, but because the kid might be made fun of. I hardly ever see kids make fun of names of kids, but if the kid is a bit weird and has a strange name, then there is some teasing. Like that girl Venus in high school that didn’t resemble the goddess one ι. (Math people will get the joke). I had a girl named Sif in class last year, and she was cool, so everyone liked her different name (Sif was a Norse goddess).

Anyhow, here is the other name that I like and its popularity. I still like it, but I already can’t see calling Ada anything else besides the name that we gave her.

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