Ada’s Birthday

Over the last year, we’ve had to hear about Ada’s birthday parties. When she became angry with anyone, she’d say that they weren’t invited to her birthday party. Then it was, “You’re not invited to my green birthday party!” You were either invited or not to one of the color birthday parties, but they became themed based on color. She hasn’t been doing it over the last month or two, but when I asked her what color birthday party her “real” party was going to be yesterday, she said, “Rainbow”. I guess all those colors through the year all manifested themselves into the real thing.

The original plan was to have a party at Bryant Square and invite daycare over, but there was something going on, so they only could do it after nap time, so we had the party at Grandma’s House. I walked in with Ada and it was dark inside. Ada said, “I didn’t know it was closed!”, and as I opened the door they all yelled surprise. Last year’s party for her was a surprise party (after a nap), but I don’t think she understands the whole thing. But she had a good time, and was happy to see her old friends again.

She opened presents from Dalen and the kids at the daycare, then we went out to eat, and when we got back home she got to open the presents from me at the house. Then it was pretty late, but she got to watch the end of “The Ant Bully”, and then went to sleep downstairs due to the thunderstorm – which was the third one that day.

She’s said a bunch of funny things today, and I wish I could remember them all. At the moment, all I can think about is when we got home she asked me if we could play “Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wah-hoo”

UPDATE: I do remember something else. While looking at pictures on the cell phone, I said to Ada that her mouth looks really big in this picture. She said, “Yeah, I was so thirsty that day”, which was true. And when she did get a drink, she was so happy that next to the water fountain there were paper cones to put the water in. I think she had four of them before I had to stop her.

Also filed under “What they remember about that day”, Helena tonight remembered when we went to the hibachi table at Ichiban how a woman tripped over a cord and broke the Christmas lights on the tree.

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