Liam and his writing

Liam has been drawing his own comic books lately. Short ones with humour….boy humour in them. He couldn’t wait until he got to the end of one the other say when one person was going to bite into a gas line and blow everything up.

Tonight we went rollerskating for the annual Minneapolis Kids welcome, so we didn’t get home until 8:20 or so. He went upstairs immediately to work on his drawing/writing. I asked him more than once to brush his teeth, but he never did get around to it. After getting the girls in bed, Liam was still drawing in his room. So in my stern voice, I told Liam to brush his teeth. He stands up, puts his head down, and walks into the bathroom.

I asked him if he’s working on another comic book. He told me that he isn’t, but just a picture with a story.

While getting him in bed, he tells me that he wishes that he could still work on it. I told him that he can’t, but if he wakes up early in the morning he could. He asked, “But what if I don’t get up in the morning?”. “Well, that just means that you really needed your sleep.”

So I went into m  bedroom. A few minutes later I realized that I needed something off the counter so I walk out of the bedroom to go downstairs. Liam is out of bed with a little nightlight shining on his writing.

After getting him in bed a second time, I just told him that he’s funny and that I’m happy that he likes to write. But I think that he actually may have gone to sleep. Maybe. And I wonder if I did the right thing – I did thought of giving him the go ahead on that one, and just hope that he’d wake up in the morning for school.

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