Liam’s First Ride Around the Lake

Helena only has done it once, and it was earlier this year.

I didn’t really get a picture – this one was taken by me on my phone from behind him.

The first thing that I noticed when I saw the picture later was that despite Liam riding on the sidewalk from 32nd street to the Greenway (on Bryant), then to Lake Calhoun and back home, he wasn’t wearing his helmet. I suspect that Helena (who was also with us on her bike) didn’t either. So, the first time I took him on the street, he didn’t have a helmet.

The next day we took the same trip, and when I had them get their helmets, none of the three kids said anything about not having them the day before, so I’m not the only one who forgot.

I sure was proud of the little guy, though. The round trip must have been about five miles and he’s never gone anywhere except around Bryant Square Park before.


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