Late Bus

I’m waiting for Helena to come upstairs at school but she is a little late. So I go look for her. Sometimes she’s in the science room across the hall looking at the animals. Not today. I’m walking up and down the hallways looking for her. I look in the office, which is where I told her to go if she cannot find me. Nowhere. I call Dalen to see if Helena called her. I check my email to see if Dalen just picked her up without telling me…nope.

So I go back outside and immediately see her – she’s crying because she can’t get in. Her bus dropped her off late and the doors are locked on the outside. After hugging her for a minute to calm her down, I walk to the front door to tell her what to do if this happens again since there is a doorbell buzzer thing there and explain how to do it. She already knows how to because they have it at the lower campus as well. While I’m showing her, I try the door …. it was open.

While walking to the car, we walked past another door – the one that we usually come out of and I told her that there is a doorbell on that door as well…..that door is open too.

I think she went to the only two doors that (may have been) locked.