Minneapolis Scupture Garden

Here are some pictures from my trip to the sculpture garden with Helena and Liam.

We started in the Conservatory,

and went to see the Standing Glass Fish. I didn’t take this picture, I couldn’t fit the whole thing in with our lens, so I stole it from the Walker Museums website.

Liam began throwing sand that was around the palm trees…

…so we had to leave.Here they are running toward the newly repainted Spoonbridge and Cherry. I just noticed that the lack of green in the foreground looks like the good part of our front yard. I tore up the other half.

Helena climbed every sculpture in the park, except for the one that said “Do not climb on this sculpture”

It was easier getting up than getting down. I don’t think that she realized that she climbed so high. She kind of slid down…quickly…because it was pretty hot.

Then Helena saw the arbor and began running toward the far end of it. I was with Liam, and we walked to the nearer end. Once we were in, we saw Helena running toward us. Liam got a big kick out of that.

Then we walked over the bridge to Loring Park, and Helena saw a sprinkler on, so she had to run through it. Liam at this point was still scared of sprinklers, so he just watched Helena.
He was getting tired anyhow. When Liam gets hot, his whole face lights up.

We walked back to the bridge, and on the way some homeless man told me that he liked Helena…she called her “spunky”. Despite being tired, Liam could have watched all ten lanes of traffic for hours.

About the sprinklers. Liam doesn’t like getting wet if it isn’t below the waste. He loves playing with water in pails. He will stand in the pool at the park, but never get his head wet. He won’t play in the sprinkler at home, and runs scared at the sprinkler at the local flower garden despite Helena trying to get him to go through it.

But last night I was watering the lawn with the hose. Liam was in the back yard. He came around to the side of the house I was on and ran through it….just as if it had never bothered him before, and he loved it. He must have went through the hose and the sprinkler I set up afterward for an hour. Finally!